I wonder if you enjoyed your school days as much as I did? I went to a convent boarding school with some of my sisters, when I was ten, just as a temporary measure because my mother was ill, but I stayed there until I was eighteen. Once Mother had recovered, the younger ones went back home but my older sister and I stayed on. Boarding school was like having an extra large family. All the boarders got to know each other quite well, even those much older or younger than you. I remember going to the short Benediction services on a Friday and a Sunday evening, hoping that I would be one of the few girls chosen to sing with the nuns in the little choir behind the organ. I was so proud on the occasions when I was chosen and I think that must have been what gave me the inspiration to join the choir in my local catholic church in Eastwood when I moved to Langley Mill twenty eight years ago. I made lasting friendships at that school and still keep in touch, after nearly fifty years, with a few special friends, mostly through the social networking sites, but we also meet up occasionally. Some people say your school years are the best years of your life. I wonder if you agree?